Success stories

Joel's achievments

SUNY logo

SUNY System Administration

During his tenure at SUNY’s System Administration in Albany, NY, Joel innovated many initiatives to drive his historic enrollment increase, some examples are as follows:

“SUNY Announces Historic Increases in College Applications to SUNY Campuses from New Yorkers and Out-of-State Students”

An example of Joel’s collaboration with BSP on a commercial for The State University of New York can be viewed below.

SUNY Oswego logo

SUNY Oswego

As a consultant at SUNY Oswego, Joel implemented data driven marketing strategies that resulted in a directional change from 20% down in applications in October 2021 to 30% growth in First-Year deposits and 3% increase in Transfer deposits for Fall 2022. Joel attributes a collaborative team effort and support of the President, Senior Staff, Deans, Faculty, Staff and Alumni.

An example of Joel’s collaboration with BSP on three commercials for SUNY Oswego can be viewed below.
University of Alabama logo

University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa

Joel started working with University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama when UA was down 12% in undergraduate applications. By working closely with the Provost and enrollment team, Joel’s team created initiatives (including the Alabama Advantage scholarship program) that resulted in the institution’s largest applicant pool, followed by the largest freshmen class in UA history, including a record number of Black and Hispanic students.

“The University of Alabama set a new enrollment record of 38,645 students enrolled in fall 2022.”

UMaine logo

University of Maine

With Joel serving as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Maine’s flagship institution in Orono, Maine, the team:

“At the University of Maine, Joel served as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management. He employed The BSP Team to capture the culture and personality of the University of Maine and target academically qualified, first-year students in New England. In order to counteract the declining student population, Joel’s strategy was to offer out-of-state students a competitive scholarship that guaranteed to match the tuition and fee rates of their home state’s flagship institution, resulting in a 40% jump in out-of-state enrollment and a net revenue increase of over $50 Million.”

Christopher Richards, Director of Admissions at the University of Maine

An example of Joel’s collaboration with BSP on a commercial for UMaine can be viewed below.

UMaine logo

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Consulting with the UMaine at Presque Isle Joel and his team:

“Towers credits the 2017 launch of The Way It Should Be program … as a major factor in attracting students who are from Maine. This fall UMPI noted a 13.7% increase in out-of-state students, with a 42% increase in students hailing from New England.”

Salem college logo

Salem College

As a consultant for the nation’s oldest women’s college, Salem College in Winston-Salem, NC, Joel:

“Joel was a two-year consultant at Salem College, strategizing and managing a team in Enrollment Management. During his first year, new student enrollment went up significantly while the discount rate dropped by 12%. In the second year, applications rose 83%, and accepts and deposits went up over 100% over the previous year. He was an amazing leader and advocate for Salem.”

Sandra Doran, President of Salem College

University of St Francis logo

University of Saint Francis

With Joel serving as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne, IN, his team:

"SUNY Announces Historic Increases in College Applications to SUNY Campuses from New Yorkers and Out-of-State Students"
SUNY Press Release, December 2022
"SUNY sees 'historic' increase in college applications from NYers and out of state residents"
Pipe Dream, December 2022
"The University of Alabama set a new enrollment record of 38,645 students enrolled in fall 2022."
University of Alabama
"How the U. of Maine Attracted More Students from Out of State"
The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 2016
“Towers credits the 2017 launch of The Way It Should Be program … as a major factor in attracting students who are from Maine. This fall UMPI noted a 13.7% increase in out-of-state students, with a 42% increase in students hailing from New England.”
The County, 2019
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University of St Joseph Connecticut Logo

University of Saint Joseph

With Joel as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, CT, his team:

“In contrast to the national decline in college enrollment, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) in West Hartford, Conn., achieved a record-setting enrollment increase of 41%”

St Marys Logo

St. Mary's College

With Joel serving as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at St.Mary’s College of Maryland in St.Mary’s City, MD from just June to November of 2013, Joel:

“Mr. Wincowski, who arrived in June, is a former enrollment officer who works for an interim-leadership firm that sends him on fix-it missions … Over the summer, he and his staff shored up this fall’s class, ultimately enrolling a total of 481 new students: 384 freshmen and 97 transfers.”

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